Sunday Service: Adlai Stevenson’s Vision of Democracy

Please join us for “Adlai Stevenson's Vision of Democracy,” an in-person service (see guidelines below) or Virtual service via Zoom at at 10:30am.  Our Order of Service is available at [Rev. Jennie preaching] Unitarian Adlai Stevenson, whose birthday is February 5th, ran for President in 1952 and 1956. He did not win either time. But his vision for America is still relevant today. He believed, not in isolationism, but in “constructive and realistic internationalism.” He helped to establish the United Nations. And he believed that nations should be interested and engaged in each other’s affairs, and should work together to prevent and solve the world problems they have in common.


The following Pandemic/Epidemic/Infectious Disease Policy will be in effect, in keeping with changes voted on by the Board at the April 2022 meeting.

No limit on attendance. Masking is highly recommended, but not required, and congregational singing is allowed. Social distancing recommended as possible, but not required. Vaccination is highly recommended, and generally expected of responsible congregants, but will not be checked. If we can find volunteers, there will be a coffee hour after the service in the Fellowship Hall. These policies will change as needed depending on any infectious disease of concern.

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