Committee policies
Recommended by the Long Range Planning committee and adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 10, 1997:
It is the policy of the Church that all appointed committees have joint leadership, either a chair and chair-elect, or co-chairs with staggered terms. This would not necessarily require annual rotation of leadership. Responsibility for selecting committee Chairs and Chairs-Elect will continue to reside with the Board Chair-Elect assisted by the current committee Chairs or members.
(revised 07/03)
- RECORDS- Hold regular meetings and/or carry on the work of your committee or board. The previous Chair should pass on materials to you. Maintain these materials during your tenure, add to them as appropriate, and then pass them on to the next Chair when your term is completed. It is important that your replacement has the information needed to do the job well. Minutes should be kept.
- PROGRAM COUNCIL & BOARD AGENDA - Keep the Program Council informed of activities and plans of your committee. If you wish to be on the agenda at a Program Council or Board meeting, please notify the Program Council Chair or Board Chair, respectively. The agenda for the Board meeting goes out on the second Tues. of each month. If you’ll have a lengthy report, an electronic copy is appreciated in advance. If you are presenting a proposal that will require voting by the Board, assure the Board President has a supporting statement or report by the 2nd Tues of the month. It will then be attached to the agenda giving members time to study it before the meeting. Adjustments can be made with the Board president to add an item to the agenda after the usual deadline.
- CALENDAR - If your committee is scheduling a meeting or event to be held in the Church building, please check the calendar posted on our website at to make sure there are no conflicts and then contact the Administrative Assistant to have the item placed on the official calendar. The Administrative Assistant can include the meeting information in the Sunday bulletin, the Meridian Update weekly electronic announcements and in the monthly Lighted Chalice newsletter. Arrangements must be made for a contact person who has a key code and has been trained and will be responsible for opening and locking up the building.Outside groups and individuals wishing to use our building can contact the Administrative Assistant for basic information regarding the approval process and fee schedule.
- MAILBOX- Most ongoing or long-term committees have their own mailbox (located in the administrative office.) If your committee is new and needs either a long-term temporary or permanent mailbox, please contact the Administrative Assistant to have one added. Please check your mailbox regularly for notes and other documents.
- NEWSLETTER- To get a story or notice printed in the monthly Lighted Chalice newsletter send the "copy" in an email to the Administrative Assistant at [email protected] The deadline is the 3rd Thursday of the month.
- EXPENSES - Know how much you are allocated in the budget so that you don’t exceed that amount. Keep receipts for necessary expenses. These are to be submitted to committee chairs for approval and then given to the Treasurer with the official reimbursement form as soon as possible. Forms are available from the Treasurer or Administrative Assistant. If you anticipate spending $100.00 or more, that isn’t specifically budgeted, you will need to get approval from the Board. Submit your request to the Chair of the Board at least 1 week before the Board meeting so your request can be put on the agenda.
- BY-LAWS - It is by the Board’s authority that committees are created and disbanded, so any changes in committee structure, purpose, etc., should be presented to the Board for approval. Read and become familiar with the By-Laws that govern our Church.
- BUDGET - Submit a budget request for your committee or special event for the next fiscal year (January 1 to December 31) when requested by the Chair of the Finance committee. These are generally prepared by the old and new committee chairs (together) and submitted in the spring to early summer depending on the budget process calendar.
- ANNUAL REPORT- Write a report of your committee’s activities or your special event for the Annual report. This report is distributed at the end of May each year. Your report should be given to the Administrative Assistant by the end of April.